募捐/Donation‏ to CCCAA

The Coordination Council of Chinese-American Associations (CCCAA) was stablished in May 2002 as a non-profit organization in Maryland. In 2003, it became a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Service Code 501C (3). The primary purpose of the CCCAA is to unite Chinese-Americans of all walks of life and to assist them to become more successful in the American society. Donation to CCCAA is tax-deductible.
Please click here to see more details.

美国首都华盛顿地区同乡会联合会成立于二零零二年五月。同乡会联合会由在美国首都华盛顿地区的华人同乡会作为团体会员联合组成。目前,同乡会联合会有36个会员团 体,包括了绝大部份华盛顿地区的同乡会。同乡会联合会每年举办华盛顿地区大型春节晚会,中秋游船或庆祝活动、盛大国庆餐会。联合会并协同其他华人社团共同 举办中国文化节,中美文化艺术交流等。美国首都华盛顿同乡会联合会在促进中美交流的同时还积极推动华人华侨融入主流社会。捐款给同乡会联合会可作扣税用。